my comfort spot to vent about random things....feel free to leave your trace before you leave my door :-)
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
RIP Brittany Murphy-may GOD help the family this holiday season and so on!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
that made my whole week :)
Anyway right, so I found her on FB and I am glad I did, I used to think about her all the time and wondered what she was up to and hope life was great on her end. She said she felt the same way and glad she reconnect with me (no not that way-strictly platonic)!
..Now I'm thinking everything happens for a reason-to see how I thought I had a best friend who I knew you can say literally longer than my best friend from H.S now'd think me and last "best friend" would still be friends?-NOPE! She betrayed me and hurt me...we're not even friends anymore-she was being immature about certain things and I had to make it clear to her nicely :)
..Anywho like I was saying everything happened for a reason. I lose a friend and GOD blessed me with another...ppl come and go out of your life which I can't seem to figure out why really? I wish I knew someone more than 5 or 6 years and to still be tight with-I am ashamed to even mentioned *shrugs* but it's the truth. I know it's not me, I'm not a bad person-the thing is I am too nice and always try to be there and put others before me which I'm learning not to do anymore!
*yawns* ..I wonder what else GOD has in store for me....waiting patiently.....
Goodnight world!
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Friday, November 27, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Faith! I'm writing this I'm actually waiting on my train (A/C-whichever one comes) to go home...The BEAUTY of mobile blogging ☺. I'm coming from my good friends' house (they just move to BK-WHOOT!
They had a house warming and I enjoyed my time-it was sooo nice to see them. I haven't seen them for like a month.
...I know I keep saying it over and over but I miss ATL...GA period. I miss my brother, and I miss GA. GOD is with me with my plans-but ughh!! Why can't things just happen any sooner? Sometimes I feel like he tests me and make me wait longer for something/anything I wish and play for. He only knows why and I won't give up the faith I have in him, I can't give up!
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Saturday, November 7, 2009
27 things about MOI!!
Wow another boring weekend for me Hmm!! Have two papers due monday-when will it end?
Anyway I thought I'd give you guys a little clue about moi and who I am really...doesn't matter if you care to know just friggin' read it lol
1. I am glad my mom was the one that gave me my dad wanted to name me Sophia-ughh! seriously do I look like a Sophia?
2. I wish I had a middle name..I'm seriously thinking about adding a middle name to my name (melanie, valencia).
3. I am 24 and ♡ that age lol
4. I am the sweetest person you can ever meet (that's why peeps think they can try to take advantage hm!) BUT at the same time I can be the total opposite!!!
5. I have a bad tendency and the people that knows me tells me that too...I need to stop thinking out loud!
If i'm out in public and I see someone behave, just anything off about them I will basicallly talk about it (it's ok) but I expressed my opinions where it can "lead to confrontations"-so my friends tellls me.
hey I'm working on it ok :)
6. I hold grudges. I told myself not to add it in this note but what the hell-that's just who I am and I understand holding a grudge won't get me anywhere but pain and stresed. I'm working on that too.
I am working on to let go and move on and forgive people for their shytty ways towards. Life is too short anyway!
7. I hate rejection..I'm the type if I know I will get rejected for something or turned down I won't even try to ask or approache the situation. Why bother if you already know? and that's why sometimes I keep myself away from certain siituation. Even when it comes to my personal life (someone I'm seeing or talking to)..If I'm seeing someone and the person doesn't call or have any type of interests on trying to contact me THEN I automatically assume their interests is elsewhere or the interests isn't there anymore *shrugs* ...I'm always right :)
So if I don't call or anything it's because I feel like you're not trying to contact me and I know "what's up"!
8. I ♥ GREEN!!-mostly everything I owned are GREEN...
9. I am a ☎ whore..I ♥ my curve..yes I still got my curve.
10. I am a 5000lbs fat person living in a 160lbs tall, slim but curves in all the right places LOL-just had to add that in :).....I ♡ to eat. Sometimes I wonder why am I not fat? I gained weight but I lose it so easily..back and forth (just like mariah) lol.
11. My goal is to be fluent in espanol!!
I ♥ the language-it's very sexyyy and romantic..especially when saying the "Rs"..
and it's always good to be bilangual or trilangual
escuchame mi amigas..yo te amor espanol :)
12. I was a vegetarian for a year and loved it. I started to be good again BUT I am surrounded by more swine eaters LOL- ♡ yall's hard :(
but this time it"s seriious..
13. I am an H & M whoreee- I remember my last year in H.S I worked there and I had to quit lol..I was going crazyy (oprah's voice)..
14. I am a colorful person will never catch me matching my eyeshadow with my shirt or just my outfit period-tacky ladies...don't do it!!
15. I like to hold on to memories. Even if it's something I shouldn't be happy about or that might hurt-it's good to sit alone and reminisce about our pasts and see where we fucked-up and try not to do it again ...MOVE ON!!
16. Everyday I am thankful that I have such great parents..I know you're like "duhhh! so is everyone". NO! not everyone gets along or ♡ their parents smh...that's where the communication is important ppl.
17. I am a joyful, loving person and I can proudly say I get along with almost everyone that enters my world :)
I welcome everyone with open arms.
18. The people that knows me know I am fun and'll know when something is wrong with me when I'm quiet, distant and to myself.
19. Every month when Ms. Flow visits me I always wish to be a dude I swear.
20. I am very affectionate..too affectiionate sometimes ughh!! ..I ♥ to hug, hold, cuddle :)
21. Recently I am beginning to wear high heels (couple of months now)..and no I wasn't a tomboy or a sneaker type either but I always used to and still do wear my flats and converse. But I ♡ my heels now and I look damn good in them.
22. I am a bag lady. I ♥ bags (small, medium, clutch bags, all sorts)..
23. Ok so Ive been told I'm too sensitive-and what's wrong with that again? oh sorry I have feelings and the way I expressed myself is very human-like lol
Yes I do cry to "Notebook" and every other happy or sad movies.
24. I had a best friend who I thought would be "BFF"... LMFAO to that haaaaa!!
that's the shyt I'm talking about ppl stabbing you in the back and it reallly hurt.
25. I think that also goes with #24 but whatever!
I sometimes wish I had a best friend ( I had) blah blah..but someone I can talk to about ANYTHING and do things with, accept me for who I really am. Accept and ♥ me despite my crazy and annoying ways-but oh well not all of us are lucky....or not everyone gets to have it all *shrugs*
26. I am veryyyyy stubborn...even if it might costs me my life..hey don't judge yet!!
If I can't have it my way then leave me alone and don't even bother! (old me)...leave me alone! I don't wanna hear! I don't care on what you have to say! my mind is made up and there's nothing* I mean NOTHING that can change it!***but that was the old me and I'm working on it and gettting better.
I understand life is not and doesn't have to be about me. I have to learn to chill and take life at ease and it's going to be alright.
27. I am obsessed with tetris-recently I reached my goal (level 17) and damn who knows when that will happen again lol
28. Ohh one more...
I ♥ mexican food (yummmy), and a seafood ♥er :)
29. more...
I ♥ butterflies-they're beautiful and FREE!
30. Hold on
I have a very smart ass mouth-I can push ppl away in an instant with my smart ass comments and sarcastic self...hey I never said I was proud of that but I'm sure some of you already know :)
Sorry but sometimes ppl need to hear it..especially the A**holes!
Sometimes I believe I was born to get disappointed.
It's weird cause I never disappointed anyone Hmm!! But somehow ppl always tends to disappoints me*
So now that you've learned a little about moi and get a clue of who I really am...don't you DARE judge me!!!....
Well even if you do I wouldn't give a *BLEEP* anyway ☺
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Sunday, November 1, 2009
Shytty feeling!
I really hate the mood I am but can't help it during this couple of days. It's weird because as I'm getting older the symptoms are stronger and getting worst-WTF?
....And no I don't have a depression problem (I'm nowhere stressed out nor depressed), you (the females) know when she's around you've got al these crazy emotions-extra sensitive, everything affects you, and you're just a mess?-well that's me!
I can admit when she's around I see, feel and view everything around me blurry-that's how I can describe my state of being right now...nothing is clear to me, I refused to view things and ppl like I do when she's not around.
..So halloween is over-thank GOD!
I was tired of ppls fb stats and twittering about halloween-ok it's over already! After a while the same thing-come on! First day of another month-great!
I am ready for this year to be over already..well just a little.
So last night I was supposed to go out with my friends-although I got invited last min (which I don't like) but worked all day yesterday and was busy and an incident happened at work when I was gettting off then Ms. Flow decided to knock at my door-crazy! But no I didn't go anywhere besides work-not that it made a difference if I didn't join them anyway Hmm!
I'm sure they had a great time without me!!-good!
I deactivated my fb account earlier-i need a break and to stay to myself.
I really hope I get over this shytty mood!!!!!!!!!!!
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Saturday, October 3, 2009
Does GOD really test ppl?-why me? I want the help I can't be tested!
I was upset at myself for a while, hurt and angry cause I didn't pass, but then I took it like "GOD knows my time will come and maybe I'm not ready to pass yet".-hey not making excuses but the test is not a life and death situation nor something so major that it'll get me anywhere. And no not for school either and that's why I said I will be alight. Next I know to do better what the heck!
But my question is: why do you think GOD tests us sometimes?
Isn't he supposed to be our father and help us thru whatever we want and need?
Do you think he tests us to see who truly believes in him? But if that's the case doesn't he have the power to automatically know for sure who believes in him? Why the test for?
..Maybe I was too anxious to pass and couldn't focus *sighs* after all my limbs were ice cold and my heart felt like it jumped out my chest. Worst part was whenever I swallowed my spit (you know when the mouth is dry) you swallow it makes this weird noise-like it actually echoed UGHH!!
Yup I flunked it but life goes on-NEXT!!
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Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Decided! Sorry for the weak ones ☺
..WAITTT!!! Before I continue I want to make myself clear and don't judge me for my decision (not that it would make a difference anyway), but I am tired of all the negative, the complainer, judgemental, arrogant, just the "why this and why that, how come this and how come that?" Type ones-TIRED of them all.
We all have our problems but always complaining about them will not result into anything but stress, if it wasn't meant to be then FACE WON'T work!!! So be quiet and enjoy the ride we call life (or try to).
Yes I sometimes complain when things doesn't go my way, and I was judgemental at one point (which I'm working on)...hey!! I'm working on it, being judgemental and mean to ppl is not cool and it really reveals the type of person you are-SHITTY and just need to wiped out off the face of the earth (like that). So I am willing to change my ways and become a kinder and not so judgemental person.
When ppl see you or even have a conversation with you and they may not like your opinions on some things or how you word things they automatically assume the worst UGHH!!-dont you hate that?
I don't care what others have to say about me or view me-BUT what I do know is I am surrounded by two types of group of friends-the positive ones where I learn something everytime we hang out and have a conversation, and they're willing to give out a hand, the ones that let me know "what's up" and "val, you're fucking up!" Type. ....and I do have the type where all they do is complain and complain, negative, only work and have no goals (I understand we may have our problems) but the ones that aren't trying. The materialistic types, the ones all they wanna do is give you the biggest ☺ and behind your back they really hate you!!
The ones where there's no way you can learn anything from them (positive things that is)..the ones where you've tried to give out a hand but refused and think they know it all-Hmm!! I wonder why you always think you know it all.
So I decided to delete, ignore, deny, shut down, eliminate those types where in all actuality have nothing in common-seriously I should've known that years ago, months ago, weeks ago and even days ago.
I know you're not supposed to push anyone out your life-WAIT!!
Who said you're not supposed to again?!
Oh it's our decision isn't it?
Ummm..if I make a decision and it's for the better, to better my life-HECK yeah I will ☺
...When you're surrounded by negative ppl they bring negative energy along to you, it's all around you and that really affects everyone around them-and believe me I really don't need that.
I don't need any negative vibes or any of that around me.
So I'm keeping the ones where I know won't have to worry about being myself and will accept me for who I am. The ones that we can relate and have a conversation without being negative on things. The ones where I can learn from.
I am doing this for myself and that would be one of the things I will be working on.
Thank you!
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Thursday, August 13, 2009
I would ♥ to put a pic of her up but she's not a pic type of person-she's very simple and plain and loving just the way she is. She's older than me and she really watches out for me and my well being although sometimes I be thinking I'm the older one and we always get into it.. But she knows she's my ♥ ☺
My sister is my other half-we may not be spending a lot of time together or hang out on a regular like I do with my closes friends or do a lot together but she's my ♥ and my soul, no one I mean no one can take her place :)
I ♥ her with all my being and soul and I wish her all the best for her birthday and so on in life.
So this is for my number one ♥
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Monday, August 10, 2009
At first I could't cause I didn't know how to set my mobile blogging-somehow I'm doing it. I guess the way they set it up for you to do it.
But I LOVE ogging, and the mobile blogging is wayy convenient-im not always in front of a computer I'm a phone freak so it's much easier for me to share my views :)
...very sleepy...damn those advil pm seems to be doing wonders.
So today Ms. Flow decided to stop by when she's supposed to come knocking at my door in two week (you see what stress does to you!) SMDH!
I can honestly admit that I've been better than a couple of weeks ago, stressed but not as stressed as I was weeks ago. Give me some damn credit I'm trying lol :)
So how was my weekend? Lol
Ok it was peaceful, quiet, stress-free and loving.
Saturday I did nada-blockbuster night with sis and enjoyed my family's company :)
And Sunday me and the ladies attended the SummerStage in Central Park then we went out for dinner-GREAT time :)
One thing I'm glad and grateful for, despite me having my lil issues or we have our flaws but we all are positive individuals-we like to have fun, but we know the limit and we look out for one another :) what else can I possibly asked for huh?! TELL ME!!!!!
...yes I made some major moves (mentally-wise, behavior-wise, emotionally-wise)
I did something Sunday which I am proud of and glad I did and thank GOD I feel sooo much better.
Sometimes though I really need to chill the fuck out and enjoy the ride and take it easy (working on it)
Hopefully things will continue to go easy :)
I have hope that it will. I'm making a fresh new start with this friendship and glad I am :)
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Saturday, August 8, 2009
...So far my saturday..
Like I mentioned in my latest post I had no plans but today I think I accomplished alot-alot as in went to my favorite nail shop in LI (yup worth the travel), got the special pedicure and manicure and of course including the massages :)
Then went to the city to get my eyebrows done-all nicely shaped :)
I feel sooo good...I needed a lil pampering lol.
...Hold on *sippin' on some wine*
Ok.. I was just watching movies with sis-damn been a while since I spent some time at home and enjoy her company, we made it a movie night.
My friends invited me out to different events but I declined *shrugs*
Well not only my hair look busted lol-so gotta get it done but I'm just not in the mood to do the club scene tonight..Hmm!! I don't know, I guess I'm still going thru my mood and not myself from what happened last night-I just hate being disappointed.
Like I said everything could be prevented!!!
I'm not mad or anything but I'm just not in the mood for the club scene or going out at all. My hair=disaster lol
Not good for the club scene.
I'm also not in the mood to talk or anything...I need some time alone right now.
But I hope they have a good time-which I'm sure they will.
So I'm in bed and about to twitter my fingers away untill I fall asleep lol..I sound like a loser :)
..Now one of my friend just texted me "how are you and her doing?" Her as in ...anyway I replied "there's no her" lol.."we're not even friends anymore, her wants me out her life for good, why? I don't know!" *shrugs*
I even tried to be and to come to an understanding to what really went wrong and what cause the downfall but her obviously didn't care to see and understand where I was coming from. Her rather play the psychic game where she knows it all instead of calling or talk face to face but instead she rather assume the worst of me and that shit hurts and annoying Hmm!!
Sometimes you just gotta keep that lil bit of pride you have left and not let anyone step on it.
Like I keep saying if someone really cares about you or your feelings they would try to respect it and not let anything happen to hurt you...but of course I'm never the lucky one lol....
Funny thing was though I never hated or held a grudge against her...I'm proud of myself for that :)
Seriously I am good....
There's no way you can force someone to be in your life if they want you out!!!!
Hmm!! I do ummmm..
Fuck it!!! Whatever this isn't no personal journal LOL
Anyway I'm having a good night and hopefully have a better sunday :)
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Disappointed *SIGHS*
So Wednesday I found out I passed my summer class which I'm sooo HAPPY-thank you my LORD!!
Me the this classmate which she's a friend now (we clicked since the first day of class :)) usually have lunch and drinks after class-she introduced me to some nice restaurants :)
*I just love going to different restaurants/bar and lounges* last night after work I was supposed to be meeting up with my good friend, have dinner and drinks with her.....should I continue with this?
What the heck!?!!
To make it short I got stood up, disappointed-BLAH!!
I'm learning to understand life and things may happen and to stop being selfish. I'm not mad, I'm hurt but I will be ok.
What I don't understand is at least a call would have been nice, anything. That I think I at least deserved.
So I could've done something else and hung out with other friends...
Moving on.......
So today I have no plans...
Let's see Hmm!!
I might just go to the movies alone-sometimes being alone is better-that way you get to stay away from ppl and look within yourself and understand your main priorities and who's really true to you.
I'm feeling some type of way-alot of emotions now...
I miss someone and I just wanna kick myself for that!!! Because obviously that person been moved on and totally forgot about me, or even my number funny!!
I just want to have a good day!
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