Tuesday, July 19, 2011


It's Wednesday already-whew! Am I the only one that believes that time is flying? This year is going so fast and I wonder what's in store for me this fall. Well I kinda know but not sure.

A lot is going on-well no that's a lie. I meant I have a lot on my mind.

Question: Have you ever been in a situation where even though things seemed to turned out ok but deep down inside it's really not? You actually want to have a seat with the person face to face and bring the problem/situation up and put it down on the table?

The best feeling EVER is to clear things out and have that lift off of your shoulders....

.... I want that so bad right now.... I do forgive but I'll be better once the matter is discussed and both of us come to an understanding you know.

Life *sigh*

Sent from my iPhone

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